A place where I share my daily experience in both technical and non technical issues. Expect to read Linux kernel related posts too.
15 November 2010
What relationship really is? (no craps, no bulls, just reality)...
I think that you need to evaluate that very carefully. If you argue, but the underlying premise is always that you care about each other and respect each other, that's fine. But if the arguments ever turn vicious or ugly, and end up with one of you feeling like a loser... that's a pretty bad sign.
I like to think of "good" arguments as "you and me against a problem" and bad arguments as "you and me against each other"
NB: It's Ben Okopnik of Linux Gazette who said that...thanks Ben...really..from the bottom of my heart...
Mulyadi Santosa
01 November 2010
Installing Microsoft True Type fonts in Linux....
The only problem lies in the fact that the spec file use somewhat wrong download URL. So, to solve that, I made a trivial patch to adjust the spec file here.
Just put the spec file and the patch at the same directory and do:
patch < patch.txt
Replace "patch.txt" with the actual name of the downloaded patch file name. That should do it :)
07 October 2010
Online discussion about what /proc/meminfo is....
So, to help you understand those fields, I have given short lecture (and question/answer too) about it in #ubuntu-classroom in irc.freenode.net server. It was held in October 6th 2010, 21:00 GMT+7. Yeah, it is past already, but fortunately you can read the chat log here (note: the_hydra is me):
Feel free to stop by and read it. Have feedback? Let me know at my usual contact addresses and I shall reply as soon as possible.
08 September 2010
Open Letter to the President of Indonesia
Bapak Presiden, selaku Presiden terpilih dengan suara mayoritas ~ 60% saat pemilu 2009, seyogyanya memperhatikan hal ini sebagai masukan positif dan memperbaiki pola kepemimpinan yang sedang Bapak jalankan.
Alam demokrasi yang sedang bertumbuh, memungkinkan rakyat memberi masukan langsung pada Bapak, tidak lagi selalu lewat kanal2x politik formal yang lebih banyak tersumbat.
Saya percaya, Bapak sebagai seorang terpelajar dengan gelar Doktor, mampu menganalisa hal ini dengan seksama dan sistematis, serta cepat tanggap mengambil langkah-langkah strategis dan terukur guna membenahi lini-lini pemerintahan yang masih belum beres.
Adapun yang saya juga harapkan adalah, Bapak bisa lebih intens mengefektifkan komunikasi dengan rakyat. Dengan demikian, syak praduga WNI bisa terkikis dengan sendirinya karena rakyat jadi tahu persis rencana2x kepemimpinan Bapak.
Kiranya Bapak juga menyadari, dalam aspek-aspek tertentu, Indonesia sudah mengalami kemerosotan yang tajam di berbagai aspek ketata negaraan. Diperlukan suatu strong leadership dari Bapak selaku presiden, juga kemampuan mengajak segala elemen bangsa untuk bersama-sama membangun. Bapak juga harus tegas, saya ulangi, TEGAS, memberi hukuman sesuai perundangan yang berlaku, pada siapapun yang mengacaukan negara ini, tanpa pandang asal usulnya.
Semoga negara ini selalu dalam lindungan Tuhan YME dan dilimpahkan rahmat agar menjadi bangsa yang bermartabat.
dari seorang warga negara yang prihatin....
25 August 2010
Solved: Pidgin 2.7.2 unable to connect to GTalk...
You experienced same issue like me? OK here's what you should do:
- First, open your GTalk account preference. Head to "Basic" tab and write "gmail.com" in "Domain" field. Make sure the protocol is XMPP.
- Switch to Advanced tab. Select "Force old (port 5223) SSL"
- Make sure the following fields are written this way:
- Connect port: 443
- Connect Server: talk.google.com
- File Transfer proxies: proxy.eu.jabber.org
Mulyadi Santosa
20 August 2010
01 August 2010
Difficult to understand the content of /proc/meminfo? Read issue 39 of Full Circle Magazine!
I humbly welcome your critics and feedback.... just email me or write it as comment here....
19 July 2010
Exercising my mind differently (not an "Inception" copy, guys...)
17 January 2010
grep [s]tring anyone?
This is another grep's adventure. It started from a thought: "is there a simple way so that when I grep for something, let's say ps output, grep itself isn't shown there?"
My usual recipe is like below:
$ ps auxw | grep httpd | grep -v grep
But recently I found a neat trick:
$ ps auxw | grep [h]ttpd
Why is that working? Imagine that in the previous command , "ps auxw" would output these two lines among others:
mulyadi 30632 0.0 0.0 5852 1516 pts/8 Ss+ Jan09 0:00 httpd
mulyadi 30950 0.0 0.0 5852 1420 pts/9 Ss+ Jan07 0:00 grep httpd
When you find for httpd, of course both of them will be caught because both of them has "httpd" string. The situation change for the 2nd command:
mulyadi 30632 0.0 0.0 5852 1516 pts/8 Ss+ Jan09 0:00 httpd
mulyadi 30950 0.0 0.0 5852 1420 pts/9 Ss+ Jan07 0:00 grep [h]ttpd
'What, how come?" you say? Recall you invoke "grep [h]ttpd", right? So, that's what displayed in ps. But grep interpret this regular expression differently. It means "I search for httpd", not "[h]ttpd". Everything enclosed in [] is something to search for, unless the "[" or "]" is escaped.
Clever trick I would say.... took me a while to understand it.
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