02 September 2004

Ketemu member milis clustering-id

Hari ini, gue ketemu ama salah satu member milis clustering-id. His name is Rachman...rencananya mau direkrut untuk project pembuatan simulasi tempur TNI AD.

We meet at Bandung train station. Inilah saat pertama si rachman lihat moderatornya (kamsudnya gue) :D The man who usually can be seen on virtual world ... now become reality :D rachman ini gw target menjadi salah satu kandidat kuat pengganti gw sbg moderator milis clustering-id.....cukup cerdas dan inovatif walau kadang rada perlu didorong agar etos kerjanya meningkat. But that's ok..even me is still screwed up on fighting on something....

En gw.....gw lagi puyeng ama maunya method Assign() di delphi. Target udah pas (mintanya TPersistent) tp nape error...sial.....dasar udah tua gw :D lemottt abbisss ;D

Finally, untunglah "suntikan" yang dinantikan akhirnya datang :D Praise Jesus for His Kindness...:D Kalo blom gajian bisa susah nih hidup....eh gak juga ding....masuk aja ke dunia Matrix terus inject ama program "kenyang forever" :-)))) Wetz, gw jadi pengen bahas filosofi matrix...tp next time aja..now..time for Justin Timberlake's Justified...let's dance people ! Move your body and follow the rythm :D

Mulyadi Santosa--> Moderator gendeng en nekat abis :D

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