Judul ini sepertinya sama sekali gak nyambung...Apa coba hubungan
sampah dan kekerasan? yang satu soal penanganan sesuatu yang merupakan
buangan, yang satu suatu tindak emosional pada suatu struktur
masyarakat...... Ini dia kejadian yang bikin saya (semakin) geleng2x
pada fenomena di negeri ini
Masyarakat Cilonjong (salah spell mungkin?) di Bogor, Jawa barat
memprotes pemindahan TPA Bantar Gebang ke daerah mereka. Kebijakan ini
notabene berawal dari pememerintah DKI Jakarta yang mencari tempat
alternatif TPA dan dipilihlah Cilonjong. Hanya saja, tampaknya
keputusan ini tidak diambil secara komprehensif. Buktinya? Masyarakat
Cilonjong memprotes pemindahan TPA ini.
Awalnya berdasar berita2x baik koran dan TV, masyarakat berusaha
menyampaikan komplain secara baik2x (ini memang relatif, tp menurut
saya masih dalam tataran musyawarah), tapi seperti biasa, di Indonesia
hanya musyawarahnya aja yang jalan, hasil nol besar. gak di DPR, gak
di tataran masyarakat. Singkat kata, malam ini saya nonton TV,
ternyata terjadi massive chaos di bakal TPA Cilonjong. Masyarakat
mengamuk membakar mobil, menghancurkan properti kantor. Polisi lalu
menghalau warga dan melepaskan tembakan peluru (tajam) ke bbrp orang
yang agak lucu campur tragis, saya melihat ada kakek2x yang dituduh
seorang anggota polisi sebagai salah satu provokator kerusuhan dan
diseret paksa oleh polisi. Saya gak akan komentar panjang dulu soal
seret menyeret ini, tp saya akan berkomentar dua hal
1. Sepertinya decision making di negeri ini tambah hari bukannya
getting better malah getting worse. Sekedar masalah TPA saja gak bisa
diambil suatu keputusan yang win-win, malah menghasilkan suatu win
lose solution. Parameternya apa? apa karena penolakan warga? Bukan
itu. Di semua negara (maju) yang namanya TPA itu jauh dari pemukiman
warga sehingga tidak menimbulkan polusi, tp ini malah dekat pemukiman.
Kedua, sampah dari jakarta dibawa ke Bogor? Gak salah nih? Cost
pengangkutannya apa gak malah jadi membengkak? Lagian, apa sampah kalo
dibawa ke Bogor terus banjir bisa mereda? Bukan rahasia lagi, sampah
adalah number 1 factor penyebab banjir...
2. Nah ini soal pengendalian massa. Seperti biasa polisi akhirnya
represif. OK, that's fine. tapi sampai peluru tajam apalagi melakukan
identifikasi prematur pada calon tersangka? He he he....Udah kering
kayaknya lidah saya komentar ginian.....Lucu bin ajaib binti
Lalu sekali lagi saya membayangkan "Kayaknya kalo Moshe Bar denger
berita ginian, dia akan tertawa geli dari kantor Qlusters di New York
dan tel aviv...." "begini kok Mulyadi Santosa, that smart ass guy,
want to challenge israel? he is better dreaming on his bed". Ya
memang, kalo negara ini begini terus, jangankan mengimbangi Israel
(dah ini mimpi aja deh, kayaknya baru seabad lagi baru bisa), bisa2x
Indonesia ketinggalan jauh ama vietnam. Selalu dan selalu akarnya,
suatu kebijakan pemerintah baik pusat atau daerah yang
prematur.....hrrhh :D Abis lah kata2x gue hari ini...mau ketawa
soalnya campur sedih :D :D :D
Bgmn pak Sby dgn gebrakan 100 hari anda? Bisakah anda menengahi
masalah ini?
A place where I share my daily experience in both technical and non technical issues. Expect to read Linux kernel related posts too.
23 November 2004
11 November 2004
Today, November 11th, 2004, Yasser Arafat died in France after suffering
some strange coma caused by lack of brain liquid. The exact cause still
hasn't been announced, either by official spoke person of France hospital,
member of PLO's board of executive or Zuha, Arafat's wive. Many people believe,
it is Israeli's government which took full responsibility. Mossad, Israeli's
intelligence, was suspected putting somekind of poison that slowly degrading
human antibody and damaging metabolism.
Above all, personally, I know Arafat since I was 4 or 5 years old. I remembered
the news reporter mentioned his name everytime there was a news about Palestine-
Israel conflict. Only few thing I know about him, but one thing that I respect most,
is the way he fought for country. A burning spirit that never died, even under heavy
pressure of Israel government. Especially, since Ariel Sharon took Israeli's leadership, israeli government put lots of pressure toward Arafat and isolate him ( I forgot where, maybe somewhere on Gaza). because of this isolation, Arafat can no longer live with his family. His wife and his only daugther must live in France to avoid israel's threat
truthfully, me and Arafat are not same person. He is a moslem and I am a Catholic.
But one thing that surprise me most, I saw a picture on local newspaper, there are
4 Rabbi of Jewish (it is mentioned that they are Anti Zionis) that showed their condolecence for Arafat. In some Palestine churches, people (of course, Catholic are minority in palestine) pray for Arafat. There was also memorable picture of Arafat shaking John The Pope. This facts showed that Arafat is well known among people, even with different religion.
Very few Moslem man who I know that gets such an honorship and Arafat proved he was
the true Moslem ! "Rahmatil bin alam", hope I don't mispelled, meaning "to bring
peace and prosper among all of God's creation in whole universe"
Maybe the only similarity between me and Arafat is, we both have tough Israeli's enemy. If he is considered #1 enemy of Ariel Sharon, me.....don't be shocked, I already considered #2 (if not #1) enemy of Moshe Bar, one of toughest and formidable israeli scientist and CTO...who is....Jewish. Maybe, in some point, I can understand why Arafat put continous struggle toward Israel. Don't get me wrong, not all of Israeli citizen are bad. There are also good people too. Same thing happen on all other country, US, Indonesia, Malaysia, German, France, u name it. Accidentaly, Arafat must face israel's pressure, and me, I can't stand hearing Moshe bluff about clustering.And finally, we both end up in final conclusion, win-win solution was hard to achieved..so..confrontation was the only answer. We both know the consequences and we both step into it. NO REGRETS !
Rest in Peace, Mr Arafat. May God reward on everything you do for your country
and I hope peace will come on Palestine so there won't be anymore victim of the war
Mulyadi Santosa
some strange coma caused by lack of brain liquid. The exact cause still
hasn't been announced, either by official spoke person of France hospital,
member of PLO's board of executive or Zuha, Arafat's wive. Many people believe,
it is Israeli's government which took full responsibility. Mossad, Israeli's
intelligence, was suspected putting somekind of poison that slowly degrading
human antibody and damaging metabolism.
Above all, personally, I know Arafat since I was 4 or 5 years old. I remembered
the news reporter mentioned his name everytime there was a news about Palestine-
Israel conflict. Only few thing I know about him, but one thing that I respect most,
is the way he fought for country. A burning spirit that never died, even under heavy
pressure of Israel government. Especially, since Ariel Sharon took Israeli's leadership, israeli government put lots of pressure toward Arafat and isolate him ( I forgot where, maybe somewhere on Gaza). because of this isolation, Arafat can no longer live with his family. His wife and his only daugther must live in France to avoid israel's threat
truthfully, me and Arafat are not same person. He is a moslem and I am a Catholic.
But one thing that surprise me most, I saw a picture on local newspaper, there are
4 Rabbi of Jewish (it is mentioned that they are Anti Zionis) that showed their condolecence for Arafat. In some Palestine churches, people (of course, Catholic are minority in palestine) pray for Arafat. There was also memorable picture of Arafat shaking John The Pope. This facts showed that Arafat is well known among people, even with different religion.
Very few Moslem man who I know that gets such an honorship and Arafat proved he was
the true Moslem ! "Rahmatil bin alam", hope I don't mispelled, meaning "to bring
peace and prosper among all of God's creation in whole universe"
Maybe the only similarity between me and Arafat is, we both have tough Israeli's enemy. If he is considered #1 enemy of Ariel Sharon, me.....don't be shocked, I already considered #2 (if not #1) enemy of Moshe Bar, one of toughest and formidable israeli scientist and CTO...who is....Jewish. Maybe, in some point, I can understand why Arafat put continous struggle toward Israel. Don't get me wrong, not all of Israeli citizen are bad. There are also good people too. Same thing happen on all other country, US, Indonesia, Malaysia, German, France, u name it. Accidentaly, Arafat must face israel's pressure, and me, I can't stand hearing Moshe bluff about clustering.And finally, we both end up in final conclusion, win-win solution was hard to achieved..so..confrontation was the only answer. We both know the consequences and we both step into it. NO REGRETS !
Rest in Peace, Mr Arafat. May God reward on everything you do for your country
and I hope peace will come on Palestine so there won't be anymore victim of the war
Mulyadi Santosa
08 November 2004
Back to home.....continuing my journey....
November 8th, 2004, 9 AM, i stepped back into my home at Porong. After spending
2 and a half month on bandung, I decide "ok, this is it. This is the ending, i can't
hold any longer". Luckily, my "stunt in", Rachman, had been prepared to take over
my job. Several pieces of new multithread engine for calculation/render engine, improved timer function based on native WinAPIs and save/reply engine. Except the timer functions, everything is still on beta stage. I can't push them further into mature stage because multithread engine must "wait" for stable stage of object design. This isn't a must, but IMO to lessen the "dependency hell", i decide to put multi thread engine "on hold".
But, this doesn't mean there won't be any progress. My instruction (to Rahman) is clear, "put concentration on OOP first, make thread engine 2nd priority. There won't be any thread engine if OOP design is crippled !"
The train was quite crowded last night. Looks like everyone want to celebrate "lebaran" at hometown together with their family. Same rule apply to me, although I am not Moslem. But.....gee....I really hate to say it.....ahh, i don't give a damn care ....yes, I am quite frustated by one thing...GIRL! A man who dare to challenge one of toughest Israeli's scientist and CTO of IT company, can't resolve his problem with girl ! yes, that poor man is me !
" Me, me, me and me".....God damn it ! Shit, i push both of my brain to work
on it...but still no way out. I use every logical reasoning, problem solving technique, etc etc....even trial and error....but I still can't break this puzzle ! R-E-L-I-G-I-O-N ! Let God curse me, but sometimes I feel religion is no more than social barrier rather than "God's word to teach mankind into salvation".
"Why, why, why do I have to meet her?"
Or better question maybe (worst in sick logic) "why the hell, God put me and her into
same time and place dimension that time?" She came across the bookstore room, I look at her, the chemistry is fired...and......
OK, let me put that aside. Deep inside this "logic", I still have feeling to her. Now, my focus is...working on my article (co-authored with my friend, Andreas Schaefer) toward IBM DeveloperWorks. The topic is about coLinux and openMosix integration on Windows platform. This will be a breakthrough to integrate Windows-based PC into Linux based openMosix cluster. In earlier time, the only way to achieve it is via running openMosix-Linux kernel inside VMWare.
But considering the "overburden effect" of VMware, the developers is still looking for alternative answer. Luckily, coLinux arises ! And to add another luck, the editor welcomes my idea and give positive critics and comment ! What a luck. Now, it depends on me to finish it the best I can
Too much I have said.....to be continued guys...
Mulyadi "The Hydra" Santosa
2 and a half month on bandung, I decide "ok, this is it. This is the ending, i can't
hold any longer". Luckily, my "stunt in", Rachman, had been prepared to take over
my job. Several pieces of new multithread engine for calculation/render engine, improved timer function based on native WinAPIs and save/reply engine. Except the timer functions, everything is still on beta stage. I can't push them further into mature stage because multithread engine must "wait" for stable stage of object design. This isn't a must, but IMO to lessen the "dependency hell", i decide to put multi thread engine "on hold".
But, this doesn't mean there won't be any progress. My instruction (to Rahman) is clear, "put concentration on OOP first, make thread engine 2nd priority. There won't be any thread engine if OOP design is crippled !"
The train was quite crowded last night. Looks like everyone want to celebrate "lebaran" at hometown together with their family. Same rule apply to me, although I am not Moslem. But.....gee....I really hate to say it.....ahh, i don't give a damn care ....yes, I am quite frustated by one thing...GIRL! A man who dare to challenge one of toughest Israeli's scientist and CTO of IT company, can't resolve his problem with girl ! yes, that poor man is me !
" Me, me, me and me".....God damn it ! Shit, i push both of my brain to work
on it...but still no way out. I use every logical reasoning, problem solving technique, etc etc....even trial and error....but I still can't break this puzzle ! R-E-L-I-G-I-O-N ! Let God curse me, but sometimes I feel religion is no more than social barrier rather than "God's word to teach mankind into salvation".
"Why, why, why do I have to meet her?"
Or better question maybe (worst in sick logic) "why the hell, God put me and her into
same time and place dimension that time?" She came across the bookstore room, I look at her, the chemistry is fired...and......
OK, let me put that aside. Deep inside this "logic", I still have feeling to her. Now, my focus is...working on my article (co-authored with my friend, Andreas Schaefer) toward IBM DeveloperWorks. The topic is about coLinux and openMosix integration on Windows platform. This will be a breakthrough to integrate Windows-based PC into Linux based openMosix cluster. In earlier time, the only way to achieve it is via running openMosix-Linux kernel inside VMWare.
But considering the "overburden effect" of VMware, the developers is still looking for alternative answer. Luckily, coLinux arises ! And to add another luck, the editor welcomes my idea and give positive critics and comment ! What a luck. Now, it depends on me to finish it the best I can
Too much I have said.....to be continued guys...
Mulyadi "The Hydra" Santosa
12 October 2004
Toward Pre emptive scheduler
Pusing ama judul diatas? Well, me too :D
Basically, itulah kerjaan gue. High resolution timer, lowering latency between message post and message dispatch, controlling priority, stuff like that. Ngelu poll pokoke..dan parahnya, sedikit yang bisa diajak diskusi. Apa gak stress coba?
Fibre thread still bothers me.....tp normal threading tetap terbuka kemungkinan dipakai. Fibre thread memang ringan, tp karena terbatas harus ditrigger didalam satu thread yang sama, tidak dimungkinan menswitch dari thread lain? atau mungkin....post message? nah ini....sama lagi...delay dari post message ke message dispatch nya itu yang bikin sebel gak kepalang....bisa ampe 18 ms...padahal butuh kecepatan tinggi
tapi untunglah ada "hiburan" laen. Lari pagi, makan siang ama cewek, nonton film, cukup membantu menghilangkan stress (gak hilang sih, cuma banish for a moment, after that ya muncul lagi :D). Mungkin memang udah saatnya latihan san shou......pasang foto muka si Moshe bar, terus ditinju 100x ama teknik cakar elang, sounds like interesting...i'll think about it ASAP
OK, guys...see u next time
Basically, itulah kerjaan gue. High resolution timer, lowering latency between message post and message dispatch, controlling priority, stuff like that. Ngelu poll pokoke..dan parahnya, sedikit yang bisa diajak diskusi. Apa gak stress coba?
Fibre thread still bothers me.....tp normal threading tetap terbuka kemungkinan dipakai. Fibre thread memang ringan, tp karena terbatas harus ditrigger didalam satu thread yang sama, tidak dimungkinan menswitch dari thread lain? atau mungkin....post message? nah ini....sama lagi...delay dari post message ke message dispatch nya itu yang bikin sebel gak kepalang....bisa ampe 18 ms...padahal butuh kecepatan tinggi
tapi untunglah ada "hiburan" laen. Lari pagi, makan siang ama cewek, nonton film, cukup membantu menghilangkan stress (gak hilang sih, cuma banish for a moment, after that ya muncul lagi :D). Mungkin memang udah saatnya latihan san shou......pasang foto muka si Moshe bar, terus ditinju 100x ama teknik cakar elang, sounds like interesting...i'll think about it ASAP
OK, guys...see u next time
10 October 2004
The long journey for designing multi thread engine
Hello there....Kita ketemu lagi !!
Sumpek, kesal, gembira, campur lapar :D itulah the description for my daily activity on Indonesia Army project. Lots of reading PDFs, long hour of boring but challenging experiments, computer crash (oh yes, that's fuckin "Don't send" message box makes me sick). "For what?" you say? Guess what, to design "near" real time multi thread engine....imagine that...doing such a work on Windows...holy shit. Masih mending kalo di QNX atau VxWorks....
But man got to do what man got to do...jadi gue santap aja nih kerjaan. Lama2x gue nyikat semua area sulit di project...tapi bayaran statis :D apesnya gue......
Blom lagi masalah2x personal antar member di project. Hard to tell you, but one thing I know, it is as complex as labyrinth. Not to mention catchin deadline.....rearranging work priorities....discussin stuff with the local army stuff....phiewwww....
OK, looks like I need to get off today....i'll see u guys tomorrow...if I am still "alive" :DDD
Mulyadi aka The Hydra
Sumpek, kesal, gembira, campur lapar :D itulah the description for my daily activity on Indonesia Army project. Lots of reading PDFs, long hour of boring but challenging experiments, computer crash (oh yes, that's fuckin "Don't send" message box makes me sick). "For what?" you say? Guess what, to design "near" real time multi thread engine....imagine that...doing such a work on Windows...holy shit. Masih mending kalo di QNX atau VxWorks....
But man got to do what man got to do...jadi gue santap aja nih kerjaan. Lama2x gue nyikat semua area sulit di project...tapi bayaran statis :D apesnya gue......
Blom lagi masalah2x personal antar member di project. Hard to tell you, but one thing I know, it is as complex as labyrinth. Not to mention catchin deadline.....rearranging work priorities....discussin stuff with the local army stuff....phiewwww....
OK, looks like I need to get off today....i'll see u guys tomorrow...if I am still "alive" :DDD
Mulyadi aka The Hydra
30 September 2004
Debate with an old friend from Israel....
Judul diatas bukan berarti saya sentimen dengan orang Israel......kebetulan saja postingnya di milis openMosix general bikin saya bertanya-tanya dan mau marah...
Wonder what kind of sentences that brought me such an anger? here they comes:
Tulisan saya dimulai langsung tanpa tanda '>' diawal baris
Tulisan "rekan" saya Dr Moshe Bar diawali dengan '>' diawal baris.....
[begin of the mail]
From: "Mulyadi-Santosa"
Sender: openmosix-general-admin@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [openMosix-general] OpenMosix vs OpenSSI
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 13:56:05 +0700
To: openmosix-general@lists.sourceforge.net
Hello everybody
>thread migration will never ever achieve achievable performance, because by their >very nature they will have lots of true sharing which is impossible to overcome.
true....but IMO if you move group of thread altogether, it is still worth to try...
>migshm can be part of openMsoix within the next 2 or 3 months if users test it >enough.
what is the real constraint for stress test so we can all agree that "this is enough"? we never agree 100% about it....
>OpenSSI migrates all at once and therefore is unusable for large processes. OpenSSI >does not have much of their code, they take code from us, from GFS and others. It's >an integration project rather than a true development project.
Agree, but AFAIK integration too takes medium to big effort.....have you ever think how much effort on mixing two or more things to work together that is naturally have its own paradigm, mechanism, etc etc?
>Kerrighed is interesting, but very slow.
any real data?
>if you want to do real, no non-sense HPC today, go with openMosix. We have a big >community of users, lots of add-ons and some of the very brightest developers.
Please define what do you call by "non sense"? "useless"? "just theoritical"? "obsolete"? or else? pardon me if my English is so bad that I can't even understand that sentence a bit even with my logic fully attached on my left and right brain....
About brightest......gee Moshe.....so, you want to say that you are the brightest man on Earth? I saw your discussion with Aneesh Kumar of HP USA and it seems you just quit in the middle of discussion.....bad Internet link maybe?
And, let me recall.....if you send this kind of e-mail again, i won't bother to remind you.....even if openMosix community is collapse...i won't take a damn care anymore...
Netkuis Instan untuk wilayah Bandung (kode area 022) - SD,SMP,SMA
Berhadiah total puluhan juta rupiah... periode I dimulai 1 April 2004
[end of the mail]
Silahkan anda posting komentar, apakah saya cuma babon bulukan yang asal cuap, emosional, atau gmn...whatever...silahkan post !!
NB: abis sejenak happy gue karena dapet target cewek bandung, ganti emosi ama si Moshe ini...sial....
Wonder what kind of sentences that brought me such an anger? here they comes:
Tulisan saya dimulai langsung tanpa tanda '>' diawal baris
Tulisan "rekan" saya Dr Moshe Bar diawali dengan '>' diawal baris.....
[begin of the mail]
From: "Mulyadi-Santosa"
Sender: openmosix-general-admin@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [openMosix-general] OpenMosix vs OpenSSI
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 13:56:05 +0700
To: openmosix-general@lists.sourceforge.net
Hello everybody
>thread migration will never ever achieve achievable performance, because by their >very nature they will have lots of true sharing which is impossible to overcome.
true....but IMO if you move group of thread altogether, it is still worth to try...
>migshm can be part of openMsoix within the next 2 or 3 months if users test it >enough.
what is the real constraint for stress test so we can all agree that "this is enough"? we never agree 100% about it....
>OpenSSI migrates all at once and therefore is unusable for large processes. OpenSSI >does not have much of their code, they take code from us, from GFS and others. It's >an integration project rather than a true development project.
Agree, but AFAIK integration too takes medium to big effort.....have you ever think how much effort on mixing two or more things to work together that is naturally have its own paradigm, mechanism, etc etc?
>Kerrighed is interesting, but very slow.
any real data?
>if you want to do real, no non-sense HPC today, go with openMosix. We have a big >community of users, lots of add-ons and some of the very brightest developers.
Please define what do you call by "non sense"? "useless"? "just theoritical"? "obsolete"? or else? pardon me if my English is so bad that I can't even understand that sentence a bit even with my logic fully attached on my left and right brain....
About brightest......gee Moshe.....so, you want to say that you are the brightest man on Earth? I saw your discussion with Aneesh Kumar of HP USA and it seems you just quit in the middle of discussion.....bad Internet link maybe?
And, let me recall.....if you send this kind of e-mail again, i won't bother to remind you.....even if openMosix community is collapse...i won't take a damn care anymore...
Netkuis Instan untuk wilayah Bandung (kode area 022) - SD,SMP,SMA
Berhadiah total puluhan juta rupiah... periode I dimulai 1 April 2004
[end of the mail]
Silahkan anda posting komentar, apakah saya cuma babon bulukan yang asal cuap, emosional, atau gmn...whatever...silahkan post !!
NB: abis sejenak happy gue karena dapet target cewek bandung, ganti emosi ama si Moshe ini...sial....
20 September 2004
Kembali sejenak ke rumah......
Senin 20 September 2004, jam 2:00 AM
Here I sit again in front of my PC....on 2 o'clock in the morning. Yes, I return to my home...but just for 3 days. Gue nyampe disini sejak sabtu pagi...and guess what...it's good to be at home ! I CAN WORK AND EXPRESS MY THINKING 100% WITHOUT BARRIERS, OBSTACLE OR OTHER GRUELING THINGS ! Mungkin gue ini style seniman, istilah gue, seniman komputer.....gue bekerja purely on instinct and environment adalah guru gue.
So, what happen on the Army project? Ya gitulah.....still on development stage...early stage I mean. "Ngapain aja sih?"...wah susah diomongin di blog coi..soalnya ni project confidential. memang sih gak ada ancaman bakal digantung kalo gue bocorin, tp gw berusaha komit aja ama kerahasiaan project. "emang loe dibayar brp?" Ya pokoknya kira2x kalo dibeliin dawet, tuh dawet bisa loe pake cuci muka ampe muka loe yang gantian kayak dawet :D :-))))))))))))))))))
BTW, gw nge-POP3 e-mail2x gw di TelkomNet ama softhome...uah bejibun abis. openMosix, openSSI, UML devel, Beowulf, etc etc semua datang bagai hujan. Mana yang UML isinya dominan patch (kebanyakan dari si Paolo Gialarusson aka BlaisorBlade). Gw udah gak sempat pelajari patch2x ini, bisa meledak otak gue. Paling gw amati thread diskusi soal NPTL dan TLS di UML, masih muter2x gmn cara nambahin syscall2x NPTL...Jeff Dike kayaknya udah getting closer di solusi tapi kita lihat aja final resultnya.
OpenMosix akhirnya release 2.4.24-2....pheuw. Kernel udah 2.6.8-1 dan 2.4.27, ini openMosix masih di 2.4.24....FYI 2.4.24 ini udah officially dari kernel.org udah dirilis diatas 8 bulan. Belom kapok aja memang si Moshe ama gaya manajemennya, udah gue ingetin untuk lebih dekat ke komunitas, kayaknya nih orang bebal juga...
Gw di rumah like usual nerusin bbrp kerjaan nulis. Masih stuck untuk tulisan buat IBM DeveloperWorks....lagian si Andreas Schaefer masih vacation. berabe juga ....tp ya udahlah, si Andreas kayaknya perlu liburan juga, bisa panas tuh otak kalo terus2x-an oprek cluster openMosix
Oh ya, ada member baru di milis clustering gw. Dia nanyain soal buku. Nah, speaking about book, I plan to write one...guess what...about clustering ! Gw akan jadikan ini karya kolektif ilmuwan2x Indonesia.....so, semua putra terbaik bangsa ....mari sumbangkan pikiranmu di buku ini. 2005...akan gw start nih buku. Moga2x temen2x gw di team openMosix ama kenalan2x di openSSI mau ikutan nimbrung. "Loe kenal dari mana ama tuh orang?" Ya kenal-lah...emang org Indonesia gak bisa sejajar ama Amerika en Israel? Lagian ini jaman cyber, tinggal nyalain modem, konek ama e-mail or IRC, nyambung dah ama rekan2x di seluruh dunia. Karena gw merasa masih goblok, gw seringin diskusi ama mereka...dan mereka juga learn something dari gue, pretty fair and interesting, aren't they?
Senin malam, gw balik ke bandung lagi. Gw berharap kontribusi gw ampe detik2x terakhir akhir oktober 2004 akan berguna untuk project AD ini. Not sure how far I can help, but I know sooner or later I must finish it. Benernya, rada kasihan juga ama teman gw yang koordinator, tapi apa mau dikata...we have our own life. Lagian, udah pernah gue ingetin dia "gak salah nih terusan di project ginian? serba gak jelas, kerjaan serabutan......" Maksud gue, biar dia lebih mikir, apa bener kerjaan kayak gini itu harapan dia yang sebenarnya. "Kan loe sama aja mul, freelancer?" Sama memang, but I guess I have better control over my self.
Gue belakangan ngerasa persis kayak panuan kalo kerja under somebody's else supervising....kayak sapi perahan kayak nya kerja. Kalo ingat frase gini, jadi prihatin ama nasib buruh2x kelas bawah di Indonesia, hidup ditekan, gaji pas-pasan. Sama aja kayaknya nasib programmer ama tuh buruh, cuma kerenan dikit. Tapi apalah artinya keren...emang keren bisa bikin kenyang? Kalo gue --> "makan tuh keren...that means nothing." mending gw membela nama bangsa Indonesia lewat tulisan...soalnya ampe skrg masih aja gw lihat sikap meremehkan dari bangsa2x laen ke arah Indonesia. Saatnya bangsa ini mendorong putra putri terbaik bangsa untuk berkarya, bukannya sibuk ama kantong en perut en gendakan sendiri2x. Mau terus terlena, ya monggo aja, tp siap2x aja 2010 kita disalip Birma.....lha wong kita aja udah mulai dipepet Vietnam, apa gak dikit lagi Birma tuh?
About girls, I think I need to be more aggressive on Bandung. I must admit, bandung's girls are charming and sexy...they surely know how to do make up. Apalagi di akademi sekretaris...:D Sejenak lupa gua ama symbol2x en fungsi kernel :-)))))) diganti ama wajah2x menawan..ck ck ck :D :D Mana tinggi2x lagi...gile....170-an tingginya if I am not mistaken. Kalo gw punya sekretaris kayak ginian, bisa mupeng gw seharian :D :D Untung gw penulis, paling yang diliatin screen saver :D So, keep looking for girls....berteman dulu aja, entar soal jodoh, Gusti Allah akan arrange, sama seperti Tuhan menaruh gw di jalan hidup skrg ini...jalan hidup nyentrik bin aneh yang gw yakin gak semua orang tahan ama gaya hidup spt ini. Praise Lord for His Kindness !!
The conclusion today is: never give up on whatever you do, but think carefully on every step you take. You only life once..so use it on valuable thing. be like water .... so you can flow with the rhythm of nature.
2005, banyak rencana besar di kepala gue....one of them is the biggest challenge I ever face. Gw kira, inilah another milestone yang disiapkan Tuhan. Kalo gue mampu, artinya gw memang layak, kalo blom bisa, well, i need to step back for a while and learn again...But that's ok...I just need to do AT MY BEST and let God decide.
May peace be with us and my condolescence to all who die on Kuningan tragedy..we will remember you...
Mulyadi Santosa aka "The Hydra"
Here I sit again in front of my PC....on 2 o'clock in the morning. Yes, I return to my home...but just for 3 days. Gue nyampe disini sejak sabtu pagi...and guess what...it's good to be at home ! I CAN WORK AND EXPRESS MY THINKING 100% WITHOUT BARRIERS, OBSTACLE OR OTHER GRUELING THINGS ! Mungkin gue ini style seniman, istilah gue, seniman komputer.....gue bekerja purely on instinct and environment adalah guru gue.
So, what happen on the Army project? Ya gitulah.....still on development stage...early stage I mean. "Ngapain aja sih?"...wah susah diomongin di blog coi..soalnya ni project confidential. memang sih gak ada ancaman bakal digantung kalo gue bocorin, tp gw berusaha komit aja ama kerahasiaan project. "emang loe dibayar brp?" Ya pokoknya kira2x kalo dibeliin dawet, tuh dawet bisa loe pake cuci muka ampe muka loe yang gantian kayak dawet :D :-))))))))))))))))))
BTW, gw nge-POP3 e-mail2x gw di TelkomNet ama softhome...uah bejibun abis. openMosix, openSSI, UML devel, Beowulf, etc etc semua datang bagai hujan. Mana yang UML isinya dominan patch (kebanyakan dari si Paolo Gialarusson aka BlaisorBlade). Gw udah gak sempat pelajari patch2x ini, bisa meledak otak gue. Paling gw amati thread diskusi soal NPTL dan TLS di UML, masih muter2x gmn cara nambahin syscall2x NPTL...Jeff Dike kayaknya udah getting closer di solusi tapi kita lihat aja final resultnya.
OpenMosix akhirnya release 2.4.24-2....pheuw. Kernel udah 2.6.8-1 dan 2.4.27, ini openMosix masih di 2.4.24....FYI 2.4.24 ini udah officially dari kernel.org udah dirilis diatas 8 bulan. Belom kapok aja memang si Moshe ama gaya manajemennya, udah gue ingetin untuk lebih dekat ke komunitas, kayaknya nih orang bebal juga...
Gw di rumah like usual nerusin bbrp kerjaan nulis. Masih stuck untuk tulisan buat IBM DeveloperWorks....lagian si Andreas Schaefer masih vacation. berabe juga ....tp ya udahlah, si Andreas kayaknya perlu liburan juga, bisa panas tuh otak kalo terus2x-an oprek cluster openMosix
Oh ya, ada member baru di milis clustering gw. Dia nanyain soal buku. Nah, speaking about book, I plan to write one...guess what...about clustering ! Gw akan jadikan ini karya kolektif ilmuwan2x Indonesia.....so, semua putra terbaik bangsa ....mari sumbangkan pikiranmu di buku ini. 2005...akan gw start nih buku. Moga2x temen2x gw di team openMosix ama kenalan2x di openSSI mau ikutan nimbrung. "Loe kenal dari mana ama tuh orang?" Ya kenal-lah...emang org Indonesia gak bisa sejajar ama Amerika en Israel? Lagian ini jaman cyber, tinggal nyalain modem, konek ama e-mail or IRC, nyambung dah ama rekan2x di seluruh dunia. Karena gw merasa masih goblok, gw seringin diskusi ama mereka...dan mereka juga learn something dari gue, pretty fair and interesting, aren't they?
Senin malam, gw balik ke bandung lagi. Gw berharap kontribusi gw ampe detik2x terakhir akhir oktober 2004 akan berguna untuk project AD ini. Not sure how far I can help, but I know sooner or later I must finish it. Benernya, rada kasihan juga ama teman gw yang koordinator, tapi apa mau dikata...we have our own life. Lagian, udah pernah gue ingetin dia "gak salah nih terusan di project ginian? serba gak jelas, kerjaan serabutan......" Maksud gue, biar dia lebih mikir, apa bener kerjaan kayak gini itu harapan dia yang sebenarnya. "Kan loe sama aja mul, freelancer?" Sama memang, but I guess I have better control over my self.
Gue belakangan ngerasa persis kayak panuan kalo kerja under somebody's else supervising....kayak sapi perahan kayak nya kerja. Kalo ingat frase gini, jadi prihatin ama nasib buruh2x kelas bawah di Indonesia, hidup ditekan, gaji pas-pasan. Sama aja kayaknya nasib programmer ama tuh buruh, cuma kerenan dikit. Tapi apalah artinya keren...emang keren bisa bikin kenyang? Kalo gue --> "makan tuh keren...that means nothing." mending gw membela nama bangsa Indonesia lewat tulisan...soalnya ampe skrg masih aja gw lihat sikap meremehkan dari bangsa2x laen ke arah Indonesia. Saatnya bangsa ini mendorong putra putri terbaik bangsa untuk berkarya, bukannya sibuk ama kantong en perut en gendakan sendiri2x. Mau terus terlena, ya monggo aja, tp siap2x aja 2010 kita disalip Birma.....lha wong kita aja udah mulai dipepet Vietnam, apa gak dikit lagi Birma tuh?
About girls, I think I need to be more aggressive on Bandung. I must admit, bandung's girls are charming and sexy...they surely know how to do make up. Apalagi di akademi sekretaris...:D Sejenak lupa gua ama symbol2x en fungsi kernel :-)))))) diganti ama wajah2x menawan..ck ck ck :D :D Mana tinggi2x lagi...gile....170-an tingginya if I am not mistaken. Kalo gw punya sekretaris kayak ginian, bisa mupeng gw seharian :D :D Untung gw penulis, paling yang diliatin screen saver :D So, keep looking for girls....berteman dulu aja, entar soal jodoh, Gusti Allah akan arrange, sama seperti Tuhan menaruh gw di jalan hidup skrg ini...jalan hidup nyentrik bin aneh yang gw yakin gak semua orang tahan ama gaya hidup spt ini. Praise Lord for His Kindness !!
The conclusion today is: never give up on whatever you do, but think carefully on every step you take. You only life once..so use it on valuable thing. be like water .... so you can flow with the rhythm of nature.
2005, banyak rencana besar di kepala gue....one of them is the biggest challenge I ever face. Gw kira, inilah another milestone yang disiapkan Tuhan. Kalo gue mampu, artinya gw memang layak, kalo blom bisa, well, i need to step back for a while and learn again...But that's ok...I just need to do AT MY BEST and let God decide.
May peace be with us and my condolescence to all who die on Kuningan tragedy..we will remember you...
Mulyadi Santosa aka "The Hydra"
10 September 2004
Toward Long Weekend.....
Here we go again guys....hari Jumat :D Apa coba yang terpikir kalo udah Jumat? "Terpikir sabtu dong"!? :D That's it pal ! Sabtu.......ngapain ya gw besok...ke GOR ITB lagi ahhhhh :D Olahraga biar sehat...abis itu ngapain ya......nonton film aja deh.... "Twisted" kayaknya bagus...sekalian nonkrongin wajah georgeousnya si Ashley Judd :D Coba gw punya bini kayak Ashley Judd, kayaknya betah gw di rumah :D
Anyway, still moving on tree encapsulation and scheduler/queue, I found interesting fact. I can queue an event.....now that's what I call progress ! I am stuck think lately these days "How can I queue procedures"....but later I found the answer: method pointer ! Thanks to Mt Brendan Delumpa dan Mr Marco Cantu for the enlightenment...I owe it much Sirs.....
Oh ya...kemaren gw meet lagi ama satu member milis gw...si Indrajaya....nanya2x soal NAMD dan Charm++......dia mau bikin cluster juga di Tek kim ITB....nice plan IMO. Rachman kayaknya bisa bantu and I think that is great...helping each other in community is a nice thing and definitely a plus for someone who is voluntarily doing that ! "It ain't for money..." yep you are right...no money memang :D
Ok then ... have a nice long weekend pal...Thanks to government of Indonesia who give extra holiday for all of us :D Entar kalo gw jadi Mendagri, gw kasih libur total 180 hari--> separuh dari satu tahun pek :D Edan....kerjone piye coba....:D Ngowos dan ngantuk, that's for sure :-)))))))
Anyway, still moving on tree encapsulation and scheduler/queue, I found interesting fact. I can queue an event.....now that's what I call progress ! I am stuck think lately these days "How can I queue procedures"....but later I found the answer: method pointer ! Thanks to Mt Brendan Delumpa dan Mr Marco Cantu for the enlightenment...I owe it much Sirs.....
Oh ya...kemaren gw meet lagi ama satu member milis gw...si Indrajaya....nanya2x soal NAMD dan Charm++......dia mau bikin cluster juga di Tek kim ITB....nice plan IMO. Rachman kayaknya bisa bantu and I think that is great...helping each other in community is a nice thing and definitely a plus for someone who is voluntarily doing that ! "It ain't for money..." yep you are right...no money memang :D
Ok then ... have a nice long weekend pal...Thanks to government of Indonesia who give extra holiday for all of us :D Entar kalo gw jadi Mendagri, gw kasih libur total 180 hari--> separuh dari satu tahun pek :D Edan....kerjone piye coba....:D Ngowos dan ngantuk, that's for sure :-)))))))
09 September 2004
BOMB !!!!!
Kamis, 9 September 2004, jam 10:15 pagi
Kamis kelabu bagi bangsa Indonesia....coba tebak, apa lagi yang terjadi di negara yang kita namai Indonesia ini? Apa lagi kalau bukan....BOM !! ya BOM......seakan kita melupakan bakso, siomay, pempek Palembang, tahu, tempe dan beralih menelan "bom" sebagai sajian di "piring" kita. And I say "fuck you bombers.......I don't care if you white, green, blue , orange, purple.....one thing that I know....you are no more than a piece of shit for me.....and it's so fucking terrible shit that I want to throw just as I smell your sweat......satisfy with your jobs? want to blow more? Why don't you just go to hell along with your teammate...oh wait you need friend? Maybe I can send some dead pigs to accompany you....and then in hell you can do blowjob with the pig and make a human pig there...sounds like interesting newcomer for hell"..........
tebak apa lagi efeknya...."Dollar naik!" And guess what...everything will get more expensive....dan tebak siapa yang kena getahnya? "Rakyat" ....? 6 huruf ini terdengar mengalun merdu di kuping anda? Ya...sama seperti semua politisi dan kutu busuk yang berteriak "mari majukan rakyat Indonesia".....Rakyat dan bom...terdengar seperti Yin dan Yang...
Kenapa kita tidak mencoba berdamai? Kalau ada masalah, kenapa tidak kita coba selesaikan dgn cara tenang dan damai? Seudah bukan jamannya adu otot atau bertarung ala UFC untuk menyelesaikan masalah...Anda mungkin kesal dgn Israel? Saya juga kesal...tapi terus kalo kesal solusinya nge-bom? Just think about it......Don't make this country succumb even more just because you do silly thing !
Kamis kelabu bagi bangsa Indonesia....coba tebak, apa lagi yang terjadi di negara yang kita namai Indonesia ini? Apa lagi kalau bukan....BOM !! ya BOM......seakan kita melupakan bakso, siomay, pempek Palembang, tahu, tempe dan beralih menelan "bom" sebagai sajian di "piring" kita. And I say "fuck you bombers.......I don't care if you white, green, blue , orange, purple.....one thing that I know....you are no more than a piece of shit for me.....and it's so fucking terrible shit that I want to throw just as I smell your sweat......satisfy with your jobs? want to blow more? Why don't you just go to hell along with your teammate...oh wait you need friend? Maybe I can send some dead pigs to accompany you....and then in hell you can do blowjob with the pig and make a human pig there...sounds like interesting newcomer for hell"..........
tebak apa lagi efeknya...."Dollar naik!" And guess what...everything will get more expensive....dan tebak siapa yang kena getahnya? "Rakyat" ....? 6 huruf ini terdengar mengalun merdu di kuping anda? Ya...sama seperti semua politisi dan kutu busuk yang berteriak "mari majukan rakyat Indonesia".....Rakyat dan bom...terdengar seperti Yin dan Yang...
Kenapa kita tidak mencoba berdamai? Kalau ada masalah, kenapa tidak kita coba selesaikan dgn cara tenang dan damai? Seudah bukan jamannya adu otot atau bertarung ala UFC untuk menyelesaikan masalah...Anda mungkin kesal dgn Israel? Saya juga kesal...tapi terus kalo kesal solusinya nge-bom? Just think about it......Don't make this country succumb even more just because you do silly thing !
Bruce Lee, sang legeda.....
The legend continues.....
Pernah dengar nama Bruce Lee? Pernah menonton film yang dibintangi Bruce Lee? Atau ada pecinta bela diri yang berlatih bela diri yang dinamakan Jeet Kune Do...?
Jika salah satu jawabannya adalah "Ya"...maka hampir pasti anda mengenal sosok Bruce Lee. Berbadan atletis full muscle, bermuka Oriental, dengan ciri khas senjata double stick / nun chaku.....Inilah sang legenda dunia bela diri dan film action dunia.......meninggal pada tahun 1973..namanya masih dikenang sampai skrg sbg master bela diri sejati yang hampir semua filmnya menembus rekor box office dan sekaligus ahli bela diri pilih tanding yang tidak terkalahkan...
Disini, saya tidak membicarakan Bruce Lee sebagai ahli bela diri tapi sebagai orang yang berpandangan unik namun revolusioner dalam melihat kehidupan. Motto beliau "Using No Way as Way, Having No Limitation as limitation" benar2x merupakan cara pandang yang patut ditiru. Frase tersebut kalau diterjemahkan bebas kira2x begini "Tanpa jalan sebagai jalan, tidak memiliki batasan sebagai batasan". Suatu motto yang kira2x penjabarannya :
1. "Tanpa jalan sebagai jalan"
terdengar seperti filosofi "orang tanpa tujuan"? Bukan itu maksudnya. "Tanpa jalan" berarti "berjalan seirama dengan alam" atau dengan kata lain "hidup dengan fleksibel". Disini fleksibel tidak sama artinya dengan "membebek". Kita tetap punya prinsip dan pandangan hidup namun kita tidak kaku dalam menjalani hidup.
2. "Tidak memiliki batasan"
Jadi seperti superman? bukan...manusia jelas punya batasan (no doubt about it). Tidak memiliki batasan artinya tidak terkungkung suatu "dimensi". "Dimensi" ini bisa berupa cara pandang, pemikiran, paradigma, gaya hidup dst dst. Dengan berprinsip "tanpa batas", kita akan didorong untuk menyelami pemikiran, paradigma, tatanan dan hal2x lain di dunia ini yang pada akhirnya akan memperkaya pengetahuan diri kita
Knowledge is power !
Pernah dengar nama Bruce Lee? Pernah menonton film yang dibintangi Bruce Lee? Atau ada pecinta bela diri yang berlatih bela diri yang dinamakan Jeet Kune Do...?
Jika salah satu jawabannya adalah "Ya"...maka hampir pasti anda mengenal sosok Bruce Lee. Berbadan atletis full muscle, bermuka Oriental, dengan ciri khas senjata double stick / nun chaku.....Inilah sang legenda dunia bela diri dan film action dunia.......meninggal pada tahun 1973..namanya masih dikenang sampai skrg sbg master bela diri sejati yang hampir semua filmnya menembus rekor box office dan sekaligus ahli bela diri pilih tanding yang tidak terkalahkan...
Disini, saya tidak membicarakan Bruce Lee sebagai ahli bela diri tapi sebagai orang yang berpandangan unik namun revolusioner dalam melihat kehidupan. Motto beliau "Using No Way as Way, Having No Limitation as limitation" benar2x merupakan cara pandang yang patut ditiru. Frase tersebut kalau diterjemahkan bebas kira2x begini "Tanpa jalan sebagai jalan, tidak memiliki batasan sebagai batasan". Suatu motto yang kira2x penjabarannya :
1. "Tanpa jalan sebagai jalan"
terdengar seperti filosofi "orang tanpa tujuan"? Bukan itu maksudnya. "Tanpa jalan" berarti "berjalan seirama dengan alam" atau dengan kata lain "hidup dengan fleksibel". Disini fleksibel tidak sama artinya dengan "membebek". Kita tetap punya prinsip dan pandangan hidup namun kita tidak kaku dalam menjalani hidup.
2. "Tidak memiliki batasan"
Jadi seperti superman? bukan...manusia jelas punya batasan (no doubt about it). Tidak memiliki batasan artinya tidak terkungkung suatu "dimensi". "Dimensi" ini bisa berupa cara pandang, pemikiran, paradigma, gaya hidup dst dst. Dengan berprinsip "tanpa batas", kita akan didorong untuk menyelami pemikiran, paradigma, tatanan dan hal2x lain di dunia ini yang pada akhirnya akan memperkaya pengetahuan diri kita
Knowledge is power !
08 September 2004
Curse of The Dragon.....
Halo !
Kemaren aku sempetin beli VCD Bruce Lee - Curse of The Dragon. Jadi ceritanya aku koleksi VCD film dan biografi Bruce Lee. Dari fist of Fury, The Big Boss, return of the Dragon, ampe Enter The Dragon semua gw collect...whew !! :D Gw memang big fans of Bruce Lee.......filosofi, teknik bela diri , pandangan hidup....semua gw pelajari....Sang Naga gw nilai patut jadi panutan terutama dalam hal melatih potensi diri ke titik maksimal
Adegan action yang paling aku kagumi waktu Bruce Lee VS Jago Karate di Enter The Dragon...persisnya pas adegan dua petarung saling menempelkan telapak tangan (posisi sui shu). Si jago karate mencoba memukul, tp dengan kecepatan yang luar biasa Bruce Lee menahan dan membalas.....kamera hampir tidak dapat menangkap gerakan tangan Bruce...tiba2x "Praaakkkk" lawannya terhuyung2x dengan muka bengkak
Ada satu frase Bruce lee yang terkenal yang sekaligus semboyan Jeet Kune Do "Using No Way as Way, Having No Limitation as Limitation". Artinya, jangan batasi dirimu, jangan terkungkung batasan, kembangkan dirimu semaksimal mungkin sambil membuka mata dan pikiran lebar2x
Hope you all can get some valuable lesson from Bruce Lee, the "real" dragon!
Kemaren aku sempetin beli VCD Bruce Lee - Curse of The Dragon. Jadi ceritanya aku koleksi VCD film dan biografi Bruce Lee. Dari fist of Fury, The Big Boss, return of the Dragon, ampe Enter The Dragon semua gw collect...whew !! :D Gw memang big fans of Bruce Lee.......filosofi, teknik bela diri , pandangan hidup....semua gw pelajari....Sang Naga gw nilai patut jadi panutan terutama dalam hal melatih potensi diri ke titik maksimal
Adegan action yang paling aku kagumi waktu Bruce Lee VS Jago Karate di Enter The Dragon...persisnya pas adegan dua petarung saling menempelkan telapak tangan (posisi sui shu). Si jago karate mencoba memukul, tp dengan kecepatan yang luar biasa Bruce Lee menahan dan membalas.....kamera hampir tidak dapat menangkap gerakan tangan Bruce...tiba2x "Praaakkkk" lawannya terhuyung2x dengan muka bengkak
Ada satu frase Bruce lee yang terkenal yang sekaligus semboyan Jeet Kune Do "Using No Way as Way, Having No Limitation as Limitation". Artinya, jangan batasi dirimu, jangan terkungkung batasan, kembangkan dirimu semaksimal mungkin sambil membuka mata dan pikiran lebar2x
Hope you all can get some valuable lesson from Bruce Lee, the "real" dragon!
07 September 2004
tuesday...what the hell do I work on today?
Kedengarannya seperti judul yang menyeramkan?
Mungkin juga...that's my impression on what I had done today....I wonder today "why the **** I work on this ****ing project?" Looking for money? For pride? to serve mu country? Or, is it just me that eager to search for challenge...I can't answer it....all I know..suddenly I feel like lamer...
Tree parsing/traversing is one step ahead today...but still the whole object is a crap without clear declaration on how my teammates define the objects (and stuff like the inheritance etc etc)....the usual OOP stuff folks...
I am still thinking on how I create the threading mechanism.....got few ideas but none are implemented yet ! Kinda pissed off facing this **** fact....Maybe tomorrow i will jump into that subject and leave tree traversing/creation for temporarily...maybe i need to borrow Neo's skill for a day or two....:D
gw bener2x pengen marah hari ini.......seakan semuanya seperti neraka yang membosankan buat gw...kayaknya besok perlu latihan san shou nih gw.....I must channel this anger into something...or it will hit me back for sure....
Luckily, girls from India mail me about their progress on NPBlox...so, I just need to await Andreas' progress....where are you brother? Still on vacation? Come back soon pal, IBM Developerworks is awaiting for us....
A creepy day....hope I can step over this horror.....
Mulyadi aka The Hydra
Mungkin juga...that's my impression on what I had done today....I wonder today "why the **** I work on this ****ing project?" Looking for money? For pride? to serve mu country? Or, is it just me that eager to search for challenge...I can't answer it....all I know..suddenly I feel like lamer...
Tree parsing/traversing is one step ahead today...but still the whole object is a crap without clear declaration on how my teammates define the objects (and stuff like the inheritance etc etc)....the usual OOP stuff folks...
I am still thinking on how I create the threading mechanism.....got few ideas but none are implemented yet ! Kinda pissed off facing this **** fact....Maybe tomorrow i will jump into that subject and leave tree traversing/creation for temporarily...maybe i need to borrow Neo's skill for a day or two....:D
gw bener2x pengen marah hari ini.......seakan semuanya seperti neraka yang membosankan buat gw...kayaknya besok perlu latihan san shou nih gw.....I must channel this anger into something...or it will hit me back for sure....
Luckily, girls from India mail me about their progress on NPBlox...so, I just need to await Andreas' progress....where are you brother? Still on vacation? Come back soon pal, IBM Developerworks is awaiting for us....
A creepy day....hope I can step over this horror.....
Mulyadi aka The Hydra
06 September 2004
Butterfly Effect....
How are you guys? Did you enjoy the weekend?
Well, I watched a movie titled Butterfly Effect. In my opinion, the story is twisted and fuzzy. A young man named Kevin (Ashton Kutcher) has several bad experience in his early age. He also suffered a rare brain injury. This injury somehow can make him to be able to change "the past". A scary talent, don't you think?
There is several scenes that reminds me to my own personal experience. It is when Kevin is entering time tunnel going back to the past. His body is shaking, his nose is bleeding and the mouth is locked.
More or less, I was suffering the same thing 4 years ago....An experience that completely change who I am, how I think, how I act, how I sense and how I interact with the whole universe. It's like I was reborn.....equipped with new arsenals and.....this is the sad part....several weird deseases.....
So, what is the point? I think everyone might be experiencing the same thing like me or Kevin....an experience that change ur life. It doesn't necessarily to be scary or horror....but something special so you can't forget it in your entire life....
If you have similar experience...mail me at a_mulyadi@softhome.net or post your comment right here....
yours truly
Mulyadi Santosa
Well, I watched a movie titled Butterfly Effect. In my opinion, the story is twisted and fuzzy. A young man named Kevin (Ashton Kutcher) has several bad experience in his early age. He also suffered a rare brain injury. This injury somehow can make him to be able to change "the past". A scary talent, don't you think?
There is several scenes that reminds me to my own personal experience. It is when Kevin is entering time tunnel going back to the past. His body is shaking, his nose is bleeding and the mouth is locked.
More or less, I was suffering the same thing 4 years ago....An experience that completely change who I am, how I think, how I act, how I sense and how I interact with the whole universe. It's like I was reborn.....equipped with new arsenals and.....this is the sad part....several weird deseases.....
So, what is the point? I think everyone might be experiencing the same thing like me or Kevin....an experience that change ur life. It doesn't necessarily to be scary or horror....but something special so you can't forget it in your entire life....
If you have similar experience...mail me at a_mulyadi@softhome.net or post your comment right here....
yours truly
Mulyadi Santosa
03 September 2004
Toward Weekend.....
what is the God's greatest invention? I think it is holiday ! :D
Berdasar Injil kitab Kejadian, Allah beristirahat pada hari ke-tujuh. Nah artinya kalau Tuhan saja butuh beristirahat apalagi manusia ciptaannya (yang notabene powernya limited)...
Today....apa ya yg gw kerjain? Well, not much, still pusing ama method Assign() dari TTreeNodes. Errornya berulang kali "Access violation"...emang gw ini salah dimananya....apa gw access private property atau gmn sih? Sial....blom ketemu....mesti arrange back up plan....
Sekalian baca2x WinAPI document....cari cara send signal antar thread di Windows...whew lumayan ribet...tp yang penting ane mulai ngerti dikit2x mekanisme threading windows...cuma sialnya gw gak bisa hack ke scheduler kernel....:D :D
BTW, hari ini ada announcement dari Kris Buytaert (openMosix release manager) soal rencana sesi openMosix di FOSDEM. FOSDEM ini semacam konferensi khusus topik2x open source yang diadakan rutin tiap tahun di Brussel. Niat hati pengen juga ikut....minimal menimba ilmu dan saling bertukar pengalaman di komunitas openMosix khususnya dan open source secara umum.....
have a nice week end folks....I plan to watch "Collateral" today. Besok..rencana exercise di GOR ITB ama ke Bandung Electronic Centre :D
Berdasar Injil kitab Kejadian, Allah beristirahat pada hari ke-tujuh. Nah artinya kalau Tuhan saja butuh beristirahat apalagi manusia ciptaannya (yang notabene powernya limited)...
Today....apa ya yg gw kerjain? Well, not much, still pusing ama method Assign() dari TTreeNodes. Errornya berulang kali "Access violation"...emang gw ini salah dimananya....apa gw access private property atau gmn sih? Sial....blom ketemu....mesti arrange back up plan....
Sekalian baca2x WinAPI document....cari cara send signal antar thread di Windows...whew lumayan ribet...tp yang penting ane mulai ngerti dikit2x mekanisme threading windows...cuma sialnya gw gak bisa hack ke scheduler kernel....:D :D
BTW, hari ini ada announcement dari Kris Buytaert (openMosix release manager) soal rencana sesi openMosix di FOSDEM. FOSDEM ini semacam konferensi khusus topik2x open source yang diadakan rutin tiap tahun di Brussel. Niat hati pengen juga ikut....minimal menimba ilmu dan saling bertukar pengalaman di komunitas openMosix khususnya dan open source secara umum.....
have a nice week end folks....I plan to watch "Collateral" today. Besok..rencana exercise di GOR ITB ama ke Bandung Electronic Centre :D
02 September 2004
Ketemu member milis clustering-id
Hari ini, gue ketemu ama salah satu member milis clustering-id. His name is Rachman...rencananya mau direkrut untuk project pembuatan simulasi tempur TNI AD.
We meet at Bandung train station. Inilah saat pertama si rachman lihat moderatornya (kamsudnya gue) :D The man who usually can be seen on virtual world ... now become reality :D rachman ini gw target menjadi salah satu kandidat kuat pengganti gw sbg moderator milis clustering-id.....cukup cerdas dan inovatif walau kadang rada perlu didorong agar etos kerjanya meningkat. But that's ok..even me is still screwed up on fighting on something....
En gw.....gw lagi puyeng ama maunya method Assign() di delphi. Target udah pas (mintanya TPersistent) tp nape error...sial.....dasar udah tua gw :D lemottt abbisss ;D
Finally, untunglah "suntikan" yang dinantikan akhirnya datang :D Praise Jesus for His Kindness...:D Kalo blom gajian bisa susah nih hidup....eh gak juga ding....masuk aja ke dunia Matrix terus inject ama program "kenyang forever" :-)))) Wetz, gw jadi pengen bahas filosofi matrix...tp next time aja..now..time for Justin Timberlake's Justified...let's dance people ! Move your body and follow the rythm :D
Mulyadi Santosa--> Moderator gendeng en nekat abis :D
We meet at Bandung train station. Inilah saat pertama si rachman lihat moderatornya (kamsudnya gue) :D The man who usually can be seen on virtual world ... now become reality :D rachman ini gw target menjadi salah satu kandidat kuat pengganti gw sbg moderator milis clustering-id.....cukup cerdas dan inovatif walau kadang rada perlu didorong agar etos kerjanya meningkat. But that's ok..even me is still screwed up on fighting on something....
En gw.....gw lagi puyeng ama maunya method Assign() di delphi. Target udah pas (mintanya TPersistent) tp nape error...sial.....dasar udah tua gw :D lemottt abbisss ;D
Finally, untunglah "suntikan" yang dinantikan akhirnya datang :D Praise Jesus for His Kindness...:D Kalo blom gajian bisa susah nih hidup....eh gak juga ding....masuk aja ke dunia Matrix terus inject ama program "kenyang forever" :-)))) Wetz, gw jadi pengen bahas filosofi matrix...tp next time aja..now..time for Justin Timberlake's Justified...let's dance people ! Move your body and follow the rythm :D
Mulyadi Santosa--> Moderator gendeng en nekat abis :D
01 September 2004
A Funny Wednesday :D :D
Jam 6, bangun pagi, cuci muka....stretching bentar dan pergi ke stadion dekat kos untuk lari pagi :D jadi ceritanya aku lagi coba membangun gaya hidup sehat.....daripada badan "gering" (Jw: sakit) cuma duduk doang :D
Makan pagi...berangkat kerja...sampai kantor....power on the computer....:D lalu berturut-turut Yahoo messenger, Eudora, dan browse ke bbrp URL "wajib" :D
Lalu datanglah "berita duka"...demo !! :D "Senengane kok dadakan wong wong TNI iki...." ...terpaksalah demo dan slide presentasi PowerPoint disiapkan secara instan. Dicelup, diputer, dijilat :D jadi deh...dan sialnya...wurung (Jw: batal)....grrrrr...pengen misuh.....jjjuuuaaannncccuuukkkkxxxxx :D
BTW, i plan to visit one of my teammate....he got sick for almost 5 days....semoga bukan tipus...
The war still continue....;D
Jam 6, bangun pagi, cuci muka....stretching bentar dan pergi ke stadion dekat kos untuk lari pagi :D jadi ceritanya aku lagi coba membangun gaya hidup sehat.....daripada badan "gering" (Jw: sakit) cuma duduk doang :D
Makan pagi...berangkat kerja...sampai kantor....power on the computer....:D lalu berturut-turut Yahoo messenger, Eudora, dan browse ke bbrp URL "wajib" :D
Lalu datanglah "berita duka"...demo !! :D "Senengane kok dadakan wong wong TNI iki...." ...terpaksalah demo dan slide presentasi PowerPoint disiapkan secara instan. Dicelup, diputer, dijilat :D jadi deh...dan sialnya...wurung (Jw: batal)....grrrrr...pengen misuh.....jjjuuuaaannncccuuukkkkxxxxx :D
BTW, i plan to visit one of my teammate....he got sick for almost 5 days....semoga bukan tipus...
The war still continue....;D
31 August 2004
A thought for my country
Pemikiran ? apa yang bisa dilakukan seorang Mulyadi seorang diri untuk bangsa seorang diri?
Aku terinspirasi quote dari The Gladiator "What we do in life, echoes in eternity"....as long my brain is attached in my head, I will try to dump ideas and work on it for Indonesia
jadi apa yang akan kita lakukan? hari ini terpikir soal pendidikan...bbrp teman diskusi soal mahalnya pendidikan. Biaya masuk level S-1 di Indonesia cukup membumbung, tp entahlah di alumni saya (ITS). Biaya masuk denger2x total udah 4 juta....
Lalu apa solusi yang saya tawarkan? saya tidak mungkin keluar uang dari kantong pribadi....lalu cara lainnya? kita galakkan jalur2x pendidikan non informal. Mailing list, IRC, web site, P2P networks adalah contoh tempat menggali ilmu2x informal
Aku sendiri coba maintain mailing list clustering-id di yahoogroups.com. Memang belum high traffic tapi setidaknya bisa menjadi arena diskusi ilmu clustering, suatu cabang ilmu komputer yang mempelajari teori dan implementasi teknik penyatuan tenaga komputasi untuk mencapai tenaga komputasi setara superkomputer macam Cray-1
Else? well, gak banyak. Aku menulis artikel.......di Indonesia, InfoLINUX sering menampung tulisanku. Di Amerika, atas ijin Tuhan, ada bbrp artikel yang dimuat...
Is that enough? maybe not.....but better than do nothing.....
a sad idea's dump from Mulyadi aka jack25 aka The Hydra
Aku terinspirasi quote dari The Gladiator "What we do in life, echoes in eternity"....as long my brain is attached in my head, I will try to dump ideas and work on it for Indonesia
jadi apa yang akan kita lakukan? hari ini terpikir soal pendidikan...bbrp teman diskusi soal mahalnya pendidikan. Biaya masuk level S-1 di Indonesia cukup membumbung, tp entahlah di alumni saya (ITS). Biaya masuk denger2x total udah 4 juta....
Lalu apa solusi yang saya tawarkan? saya tidak mungkin keluar uang dari kantong pribadi....lalu cara lainnya? kita galakkan jalur2x pendidikan non informal. Mailing list, IRC, web site, P2P networks adalah contoh tempat menggali ilmu2x informal
Aku sendiri coba maintain mailing list clustering-id di yahoogroups.com. Memang belum high traffic tapi setidaknya bisa menjadi arena diskusi ilmu clustering, suatu cabang ilmu komputer yang mempelajari teori dan implementasi teknik penyatuan tenaga komputasi untuk mencapai tenaga komputasi setara superkomputer macam Cray-1
Else? well, gak banyak. Aku menulis artikel.......di Indonesia, InfoLINUX sering menampung tulisanku. Di Amerika, atas ijin Tuhan, ada bbrp artikel yang dimuat...
Is that enough? maybe not.....but better than do nothing.....
a sad idea's dump from Mulyadi aka jack25 aka The Hydra
Selasa yang bikin ngantuk
Ya, itu dia topik utama hari ini :D Ngantuk, ngantuk dan ngantuk....gara-gara kanker alias kantong kering....:-))))
Beginilah resiko freelancer, bayaran bisa tersendat padahal perut terus mencerna :D Akhirnya ditempuhlah jalan tengah...speed coding dikurangi..:D kalo biasanya 20 km/jam, ya skrg cukup 5 km/jam. Pakai prinsip Jawa "Alon alon asal kelakon"...dan "mangan gak mangan asal kumpul". Khusus konsep terakhir perlu dibuktikan dgn counter thesis "benarkah kumpul kumpul bisa mengurangi lapar? bukannya malah jadi cepet lapar?" :D :D :D
BTW, kebetulan sejenak menengok perkembangan openMosix release 2.4.24-2....kayaknya masih stuck di repository si Kris Buytaert.Dan seperti biasa, si Moshe Bar masih "ngengkel" (Jw: keras kepala) biar disimpan dulu tanpa perlu announcement (via Web). "Yo wis sak karepe..."
Kerjaan....lagi coba analisa mekanisme thread pool yang fleksibel dgn perubahan prioritas queued job. Sejenak mempelajari http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/ibm/library/i-clarkson/philandmatt.html dan cukup berguna but.."where is the code?" Tapi no problem, lagian mereka implement di Linux pake pthread sedang yang aku butuhkan pake threading di Windows. OK, let the Win API adventure begin, folks
Ya, itu dia topik utama hari ini :D Ngantuk, ngantuk dan ngantuk....gara-gara kanker alias kantong kering....:-))))
Beginilah resiko freelancer, bayaran bisa tersendat padahal perut terus mencerna :D Akhirnya ditempuhlah jalan tengah...speed coding dikurangi..:D kalo biasanya 20 km/jam, ya skrg cukup 5 km/jam. Pakai prinsip Jawa "Alon alon asal kelakon"...dan "mangan gak mangan asal kumpul". Khusus konsep terakhir perlu dibuktikan dgn counter thesis "benarkah kumpul kumpul bisa mengurangi lapar? bukannya malah jadi cepet lapar?" :D :D :D
BTW, kebetulan sejenak menengok perkembangan openMosix release 2.4.24-2....kayaknya masih stuck di repository si Kris Buytaert.Dan seperti biasa, si Moshe Bar masih "ngengkel" (Jw: keras kepala) biar disimpan dulu tanpa perlu announcement (via Web). "Yo wis sak karepe..."
Kerjaan....lagi coba analisa mekanisme thread pool yang fleksibel dgn perubahan prioritas queued job. Sejenak mempelajari http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/ibm/library/i-clarkson/philandmatt.html dan cukup berguna but.."where is the code?" Tapi no problem, lagian mereka implement di Linux pake pthread sedang yang aku butuhkan pake threading di Windows. OK, let the Win API adventure begin, folks
30 August 2004
Senin, minggu ke dua di bandung.....:D
Ini posting pertamaku....Hari ini, Senin 30 Agustus adalah minggu kedua aku bekerja di project TNI AD. "What is your job there?" you may ask....jawabannya "Ya gitulah....coding..." :D
Seperti biasa, hari senin adalah hari "memompa" kemalasan akibat "sabtu minggu ceria". BTW, untung kemaren udah sempat kontak pak Made Wiryana. Kayaknya, kali ini Tuhan memberi kesempatan aku menemui Pak Made Wiryana, salah satu person yang mengubah hidupku ke arah yang sama sekali tidak pernah kuduga. Beliau itulah salah satu dari segelintir guru sejati, guru yang tidak hanya mengajar tapi juga memacu potensi anak didik dan mengarahkan pemikiran mereka secara unik agar tidak hanya menjadi robot.
God bless Pak Made...tetap berkarya pak !
Ini posting pertamaku....Hari ini, Senin 30 Agustus adalah minggu kedua aku bekerja di project TNI AD. "What is your job there?" you may ask....jawabannya "Ya gitulah....coding..." :D
Seperti biasa, hari senin adalah hari "memompa" kemalasan akibat "sabtu minggu ceria". BTW, untung kemaren udah sempat kontak pak Made Wiryana. Kayaknya, kali ini Tuhan memberi kesempatan aku menemui Pak Made Wiryana, salah satu person yang mengubah hidupku ke arah yang sama sekali tidak pernah kuduga. Beliau itulah salah satu dari segelintir guru sejati, guru yang tidak hanya mengajar tapi juga memacu potensi anak didik dan mengarahkan pemikiran mereka secara unik agar tidak hanya menjadi robot.
God bless Pak Made...tetap berkarya pak !
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